Meet the team behind Thrutopia
Amongst the people making Thrutopia work are creatives, facilitators, interviewers, coaches and administrators.
Team members will be present during the masterclass to facilitate and support.

Manda Scott started off life as a veterinary surgeon and intensive care specialist. Now, she is now an award-winning novelist, podcaster, screenwriter, smallholder, shamanic trainer and renegade economist.
In the beginning, she wrote contemporary thrillers. After half a decade, she moved back in time with the internationally best-selling Boudica: Dreaming series, partly in the belief that if we understood who we were before the Romans destroyed six thousand years of cultural evolution, we might find it easier to throw off the final strands of the system that is destroying us. “I genuinely thought the books would change the world. In many ways they did – they changed my world and I’ve never gone back to wholly contemporary novels since”.
In 2016, she took a step sideways and studied for a Masters in Regenerative Economics at Schumacher College in Devon. At the time, it was one of the few post-graduate courses in the world that took as its premise that the present system is broken, and devoted the entire course to exploring ways to steer ourselves away from the climate and ecological cliff edge.
Since then, she has put her energy and effort into co-creating the Accidental Gods podcast, the Membership programme that lies behind it – and now, the Thrutopia Masterclass.
“I genuinely believe that writing our way to believable, inspiring, enthralling futures is the single most important thing any of us can do now. I think it’s urgent, but that there is still time: we create the futures we hold most strongly.
And who knows, one of us might write the book or the script or the documentary that makes the difference. Or all of us might. That’s the most likely. It’s what we’re aiming for now.”
If we want future generations to have lives worth living, we have to lay the foundations now. Nothing matters more than this, and if we can bring together a generation of writers, and give them the tools to understand and build complex systems that run on regenerative principles, if we can give them the resilience to challenge the norms of our society, and the sense of community within which to take risks safely, then we’ll have succeeded in our aim.

Nathalie Nahai is a consultant, international speaker and author of two books, the recently published Business Unusual, and the business best-seller, Webs of Influence, the Psychology of Online Persuasion. Her work explores the intersection between persuasive technology, ethics and the psychology of online behaviour, and clients include Google, Accenture, Unilever and Harvard Business Review. She is host of the ground-breaking podcast, ‘The Hive’ and a regular guest on Accidental Gods.
Natalie’s website is here.


Robert Wilton is an award-winning historical novelist, a screenwriter, podcaster and film blogger, and a trained and practising writing coach. Robert was advisor to the Prime Minister of Kosovo in the period before the country’s independence, Private Secretary to the UK Secretary of State for Defence, and head of an international human rights mission in Albania.
He has lived and worked in the Balkans for most of the last fifteen years, where he is co-founder of The Ideas Partnership charity, working with marginalised minority communities. He is co-host of the ‘Coffee in the Accursed Mountains’ podcast and one third of the Narrative Ark team, striving to tell contemporary blockbuster screen stories which will lead us through to a transformative future.

Hannah Schafer is an activist, martial artist, keen sailor and watersports instructor. A lifelong activist for social justice and the climate emergency, she is an active member of the Welsh arm of Extinction Rebellion. A long-term shamanic dreamer, she has been a member of eco-spiritual communities fostering connection with the web of life. She will be helping with the Zoom production of the course.

Anne Thomas is a visual artist, teacher and holistic health practitioner, living and working in West Wales, UK.
She is dedicated to helping reawaken reverence for thriving life; through conscious living, sacred art, ceremony and an holistic approach to health and well-being.
She creates ceramic sculpture and mandala paintings, inspired by her resonance with the wild, vital heart of magical renewal, within the beautiful interwoven cloth of our shared existence.
Anne’s website is here